What’s your favorite thing about our beef?
Knowing the animals were treated with respect and that true stewards of the land raised them makes me really appreciate the beef we eat. The taste is also second to none. I cannot enjoy beef any other way.
What obstacle would have prevented you from becoming an NNBeefer?
In the past it was the having to buy a whole/half/quarter animal. But once we took the leap it actually made a lot of sense for us. Last Spring we bought a whole cow, split it with 3 other families, and bought a deep freezer. The way we calculated it we saved enough on just that quarter we kept to pay for the freezer itself.
What did you discover as a result of buying NNBeef?
I have been eating grassfed/finished beef for some time. But I think if you truly love meat, and you have any interest in our earth and the potential of leaving it for our kids. Buy a whole animal at some point in your life. So you can see how many of the ribeyes you eat equate to how much of the other animal’s cuts that go unknown. You really appreciate and challenge yourself trying lesser known cuts.
What are a few benefits of being an NNBeef customer?
The Nitschkes are the best and you can just know that any problem will be taken care by the most honest of people. I feel 100% easy knowing this cow was raised, pastured, processed and delivered by this family.
Would you recommend us to others? If so, why?
Yes, it allows you to feed your family the very best beef there is. Realize you are getting beef that is 4x as nutrient dense and you can eat less and save money. Grassfed/finished beef is expensive, this avenue allows it to be very economical.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I have personally gained a lot of from the Nitschkes and especially Lauren. When we used to do business with NNBeef at a company I used to run we hit a very difficult time financially. Not only did Lauren allow us the time and grace to work our way through a stressful situation she guided us with kindness from her end. Her reminders on just being honest and straightforward will never be forgotten. Her motto of “catch more bees with honey than vinegar” will stay with me forever in how I treat people. It is this way of life and way of being that permeates in everything they do, and I may sound crazy but you can taste it in the meat you buy.